5 responses »

  1. So far I find the blog to be adequately distracting. I am sure that future post will allow me to spend sufficient time avoiding work. I look forward to them. Please post often. Nice butterfly.

  2. I am not sure I like this Duotone format (template). It makes each page a separate post which isn’t so bad except when you don’t have a photo on the page it looks pretty blah! They, being WordPress, recommended it for blogs with photos. I am not sure I like the arrow buttons to toggle to the next page. They seem to be in a different spot on each page.

  3. My aging eyes would prefer stronger contrast between the print and the background. Good for you for getting going on this, I am really looking forward to hearing about and seeing the trip in real time!

  4. Apparently when I post one picture to a post the background and print is taken from the picture itself but when I don’t include a picture (or when I posted two pictures) it defaulted to this grey color. It is the particular template I picked but I do have the option to change it to a different one.

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